How do you maximize comfort and flow in a small public space? The design for this cafe focused on the idea of how people move through confined spaces and the architectural language that can be derived from these conditions.

To create a smooth flow, free of sharp corners, felt intuitively like the right solution, thus the angled bar layout. Looking to further round off any sharp corners or edges led to the concept of superquadrics, which are complex math equations that yield rounded forms. The smooth solidity of these forms provides accommodation within the tight space, and the mathematical inspiration felt appropriate for the Silicon Valley location.

The materials palette plays off of these concepts. The craft and quality of the materials in their carved, rounded forms reflects the care that is taken in all aspects of BBC’s coffee service. The service bar is one solid piece of acrylic polymer (better known as Corian) to reinforce the smooth flowing, continuous form of the bar and provide a spotless surface for coffee service. The customer elements mimic this form and are built of ash wood to provide a warm, tactile contrast to the bar. The concrete micro-topping covering the floor and support area provides a rougher texture that highlights the more refined materials and continues the concept of solid yet flowing forms, integrating floor, walls, and bench seating into one continuous surface.